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1430m I win

I'm obsessed with this game. I play it on my phone every night before I go to bed.

A very short, Demonstrational video of what to expect out of the game, I don't have to spend long for anyone to start doing the same.

It's your basic platformer, akin to the old super mario titles.

10 out of 10, fantastic pixelart, no bug, more blood!


I died :(

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Jogo Incrível, melhor infinite runner que já joguei! Arte e música sensacional.


Muito obrigado! Fico muito feliz que tu tenha gostado :))

Sin darme cuenta pasé un largo rato jugando, fue realmente entretenido, mi única crítica (si se puede decir así), sería poder continuar el juego (luego de perder) con la barra espaciadora o algún otro botón, por otra parte, sería genial en las secciones que llegan los pájaros que se habilitara momentáneamente la acción de frenar manteniendo presionada la barra espaciadora, hay veces donde llegan justo cuando debes saltar sobre un obstáculo y si saltas mueres, pero si no saltas mueres también, lo que es un poco injusto, en especial cuando has sobrevivido mucho tiempo...


Nice small game. Random fact: Pipo means "beanie" in finnish!


That's awesome! Pipo is my girlfriend's cat name =] I guess I'll have to start calling him beanie hahaha


Reminds me of the game "Crashy Cats" on Android. Were you inspired by that game?


Yes! Deeply inspired hahaha :)





meu deus amei, mauricio não erra nunca! jogo 10/10

aaaa amei q tu até fez uma conta aqui kkkkk

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Amei o jogo, a trilha sonora e o visual realmente são maravilhosos combinados, eu assistiria um curta com esse pixelart maravilhoso desse gatinho relaxando num telhado ou arranjando encrenca caçando pássaros ao som dessa música. A gameplay é simples mas o jogo não propõe nada revolucionário, então funciona, no geral 9/10!

The soundtrack is so fun and really adds to the addictive gameplay! 10/10! :)

We need a shop!

The shop is the next feature I plan to add! Unfortunately, I had to leave it out the first build because it's something that would take a lot of time to implement. 


I absolutely love how it looks and it's a fun game that I very much enjoyed. I hope to see you do more games in the future.

Hey, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! I do plan to make more games, stay tuned!


I hate "one button game"! But this one is lovely and fun ^.^


I'm happy you liked it! Thank you for playing my game.

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I also usually dislike infinite runners, but the samba and art really gave it the extra charm it needed to win my heart, I loved it!


Besides being extremely cute, it's really well finished and addictive! Can't stop playing it. Nice job!


Thank you! It means a lot to me.